Aug 5-12, 2022
Liwonde, Malawi
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Rural pastors have little access to theological or Biblical training, the health and wealth gospel is prevalent, and Islam is expanding country-wide. Yet there is a solid core of Pastors and leaders who want to preach and teach well. They are eager for training. Our current cohort of trainees started in August 2022 and consists of 60 Pastors and Evangelists, as well as Womens and Youth Ministry Leaders. Many travel a day or more by bus or motorcycle taxi to attend.
August 5-12, 2022
Liwonde, Malawi
Course 1: Knowing God, Scriptures and Ourselves
Course 1 provides the foundation and orientation for the entire 9 course curriculum. It introduces (1) God’s character, focusing on his sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness, and God’s nature as one and three (triune). It introduces (2) Scripture as our diverse and unified authority, with a fundamental hermeneutical question tied to its diversity, its unity, and its authority respectively. And it introduces (3) our own purpose and role as leaders within God’s church.