Sep 15-24, 2022
Ambo, Ethiopia
Ambo is a University town two hours west of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. While the Orthodox church maintains its dominant presence in Ambo, animism is prevalent in the small towns and villages outside of Ambo, where many of our trainees serve. Lacking among the many educational options in Ambo is a training institution for those church leaders of the growing number of evangelical churches in the region. TLI’s non-formal training site in Ambo has been investing in local pastors since 2019 and launched its second training cohort in September of 2022. Currently, we partner with local leaders to bring Bible-based, skill-oriented training to 100 Ambo-area church leaders three times per year.
September 15-24, 2022
Ambo, Ethiopia
Course 1: Knowing God, Scriptures and Ourselves
Course 1 provides the foundation and orientation for the entire 9 course curriculum. It introduces (1) God’s character, focusing on his sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness, and God’s nature as one and three (triune). It introduces (2) Scripture as our diverse and unified authority, with a fundamental hermeneutical question tied to its diversity, its unity, and its authority respectively. And it introduces (3) our own purpose and role as leaders within God’s church.