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Global Partner

Argentina / Córdoba

William Carey Biblical Seminary

Seminario Carey began as a way to train future church planters at the local church level. Today, there are hundreds of students from all over the world who study online or at one of our study centers. Seminario Carey offers diploma level courses as well as masters level courses to help   […]

School Plant

Brazil / Atibaia

Escola de Pastores da PIB de Atibaia

TLI partners with the First Baptist Church of Atibaia (PIBA) in Atibaia, Brazil. From 2013-2023, TLI provided consulting, support, and instructors to help PIBA start their own church-based seminary (EPPIBA, The Pastors School of the First Baptist Church of Atibaia). Through this program, many students have received both academic training and   […]

School Plant

Brazil / Natal

Escola Cristã de Pastores (ECP)

Have you ever wondered what it looks like for a region to see, on the one hand, significant church growth and, on the other hand, the equally striking advance of false teaching? It looks like Nordeste, the northeastern region of Brazil, where the prosperity gospel and extreme versions of liberal theology   […]

Training Site

Brazil / Tefé

Justice & Mercy Amazon (JMA)

The State of Amazonas in Brazil is a beautifully lush and diverse region known for its famous Amazon River. Many areas in this region are only accessible by boat or plane, yet the Lord is building His church in remote towns and villages along the river. In 2022 TLI   […]

Global Partner

Cameroon / Yaoundé

Formal Context

Cameroon is the most complex nation in Africa with its 290+ language groups. In partnership with Église Baptiste Bethléem, Bethlehem College & Seminary, and Treasuring Christ Together, TLI is engaged in church-planting, the establishment of an accredited MDiv Program, the equipping of Cameroonian pastors to strategically use the TLI curriculum, and   […]

Training Site

Diaspora / Phoenix, AZ

Iglesia Bíblica Pan de Vida

TLI is partnering with EFCA West All Peoples Ministries (a ministry of the Evangelical Free Church in America) and Iglesia Bíblica Pan de Vida in Chandler, Arizona (suburb of Phoenix), to offer preaching workshops for Spanish-speaking pastors in the greater Phoenix area. Some participants will even be coming from Albuquerque, NM.   […]

Training Site

Diaspora / Redlands, CA

EFCA West All Peoples Ministries

TLI is partnering with EFCA West All Peoples Ministries (a ministry of the Evangelical Free Church in America), Iglesia Fuente de Vida, and Trinity Church in Redlands, CA (suburb of Los Angeles), to offer workshops for Spanish-speaking church leaders in Southern California. These workshops will be offered in Spanish and hosted   […]

Training Site

Diaspora / Houston, TX

Univ. Park Baptist Church

TLI is partnering with University Park Baptist Church (UPBC) to launch a new site in Houston, one of the leading refugee resettlement cities in the world. UPBC, located in the heart of the diaspora community, is enthusiastically supporting a group of pastors and developing preachers from around the city as they   […]

Training Site

Diaspora / Bozeman, MT

EFCA West All Peoples Ministries

TLI is partnering with Redeemer Church (EFC) in Bozeman, Montana, and the Hispanic Ministries of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) to provide continual training for the Latino volunteers who train other pastors in the principles and skills of expository preaching. We envision a centralized training twice a year (in   […]

Training Site

Dominican Republic

Non-Formal Context

Our national partners, Pastor Garry and Pastor Smith, lead a seminary and biblical institute located just outside the city of Santiago in the Dominican Republic. They are providing theological training for Hattian pastors and aspiring ministry leaders in their native languages of French and Creole. Due to the ongoing violence and   […]

Training Site

El Salvador / San Miguel

Non-Formal Context

Pastor Job and Pastor Orlando invited TLI to partner with their church (La Iglesia Cristiana por la Gracia de Dios) to equip pastors and church leaders in San Miguel in how to study and preach the word of God faithfully. They know that the church of Christ can only grow in   […]

Training Site

Ethiopia / Bishoftu

Non-Formal Context

Bishoftu, also known as Debre Zeyit, is a key city in Ethiopia’s Rift Valley, the site of several universities and resorts, and the main base of the Ethiopian Air Force. TLI taught one cohort of church leaders in Bishoftu in 2016~18. Some graduates of that cohort now teach alongside us as   […]

Training Site

Ethiopia / Ambo

Non-Formal Context

Ambo is a University town two hours west of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. While the Orthodox church maintains its dominant presence in Ambo, animism is prevalent in the small towns and villages outside of Ambo, where many of our trainees serve. Lacking among the many educational options in Ambo is a   […]

Training Site

Ethiopia / Adama

Non-Formal Context

Adama, also known as Nazret, is a key city in Ethiopia’s Rift Valley on the main rail & road route to the port of Djibouti. It is majority Muslim, but “Pente” (the Ethiopian term for Evangelicals) are boldly planting churches there. Believers in Adama are in danger from the expansion and   […]

Training Site

Ethiopia / Addis Ababa

Non-Formal Context

Addis Ababa is a city of 5,000,000 people with a land area similar to Chicago. There are faithful evangelical colleges and seminaries in Addis, as well as a lot of informal missions’ activity. TLI's non-formal training site helps meet the need for those many pastors for whom formal training remains inaccessible   […]

Training Site

Ghana / Esiama

Non-Formal Context

Formal Training options exist in Accra for those who are able to access them. For the majority of Ghanaian pastors and church leaders, however, accessing formal training remains impractical if not impossible. TLI’s non-formal training team has been investing in pastors and church leaders in Northern Ghana for nearly a decade   […]

Training Site

Malawi / Liwonde

Non-Formal Context

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Rural pastors have little access to theological or Biblical training, the health and wealth gospel is prevalent, and Islam is expanding country-wide. Yet there is a solid core of Pastors and leaders who want to preach and teach well. They are   […]

Training Site

Mexico / Mexicali

Non-Formal Context

On the border town of Mexicali, Mexico, a group of pastors and church leaders meet regularly at Iglesia Visión de Gracia to receive training in biblical hermeneutics and expository preaching methods. God called Pastor Ricardo to become a pastor in his 60s and lead this young church planted from a larger   […]

Training Site

Middle East

Non-Formal Context

In partnership with a group of U.S. Churches, we are training 10 pastors from a closed country. Each of these men has planted and pastors multiple village churches in their area. The churches sacrificially give to fund the entire training and provide one pastor each trip to teach   […]

Training Site

Namibia / Windhoek

Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary

NETS was established in 1991 (shortly after Namibian Independence) by a merger of two theological institutions: Windhoek Theological Seminary (WTS) and Windhoek Evangelical Bible College (WEBCol). The Protestant Unity Church and the Evangelical Bible Church (EBC) were also involved. With so many churches represented in Namibia, there arose the need for   […]

Global Partner

Pacific Rim / Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu Theological Seminary

Our mission in the Hawaiian Islands and other Pacific Islands is to serve and equip pastors and churches in the Hawaiian Islands for the sake of the Pacific Islands. Through Oahu Theological Seminary training, informal pastoral equipping and preaching workshops, and involvement with pastoral and denominational networks in Hawaii and   […]

Training Site

Philippines / Botolan

Non-Formal Context

In partnership with a Filipino leader who works to train rural "village" pastors, TLI will begin a new, non-formal training location on the northern island of Luzon just a few hours outside of Manila. New Tribes Philippines has a camp near Olongapo used for training their national and international missionaries, with   […]

Training Site

Philippines / Laguna

Non-Formal Context

In partnership with a Filipino leader who works to train rural "village" pastors, TLI will begin a new, non-formal training location on the northern island of Luzon just a few hours outside of Manila. New Tribes Philippines has a camp near Olongapo used for training their national and international missionaries, with   […]

School Plant

Serbia / Novi Sad

Baptist Theological School of Novi Sad

The Baptist Theological Seminary is located in the city of Novi Sad, in the northern part of the country of Serbia. We are a theological institution of the Serbian Baptist Union, dedicated to training pastors and Christian leaders for effective service. For over 70 years BTS has been training men and   […]

Training Site

Sierra Leone / Freetown

Non-Formal Context

Freetown is the capital city of Sierra Leone and a strategic hub for quality hermeneutical and theological training. In this majority Muslim country there are few opportunities for theological education, and the false prosperity gospel has taken firm root in most churches. Our partner in Freetown has gathered an eager group   […]

Training Site

Sierra Leone / Makeni

Non-Formal Context

Makeni is one of the largest cities in Sierra Leone, located in the center of the country. In this majority Muslim country there are few opportunities for theological education, and the false prosperity gospel has taken firm root in most churches. Our desire is to equip these church leaders, educational professionals,   […]

Global Partner

South Africa / Cape Town

Non-Formal Context

One of our global partners will be serving churches in the townships of the Western Cape. His work with pastors will have the specific focus of equipping expository preachers of Christ through weekly Preaching Fellowships.

Training Site

South Africa / Queenstown

Non-Formal Context

There are many good options for theological training in the major population centers of South Africa. But, since most rural pastors in South Africa are bi-vocational and extremely poor, access to these institutions is difficult. This is especially true in the Eastern Cape, where TLI currently has a training site in   […]

Training Site

South Africa / Kimberley

Non-Formal Context

There are many good options for theological training in the major population centers of South Africa. But, since most rural pastors in South Africa are bi-vocational and extremely poor, access to these institutions is difficult. This is the case for many in Kimberley, where TLI launched a site with pastors and   […]

Training Site

South Asia I

School of Theology

Recognizing the need for healthy churches in South Asia, in 2017 TLI began partnering with a faithful congregation in a large city to establish a three-year, church-based Master of Divinity program. The seminary began with a cohort of twelve men and a goal of training pastors to plant churches, preach the   […]

Global Partner

Sweden / Gothenburg

International Church Context

Sweden is considered one of most secular countries in the world. Although the Reformation and the state Lutheran church left an imprint on Swedish culture, what remains today is an empty shell of Christianity, devoid of the gospel and impotent to save souls. Sweden has a desperate need for   […]

Global Partner

Thailand / Chiang Mai

Asia Biblical Theological Seminary

Asia Biblical Theological Seminary of Cornerstone University, in cooperation with multiple mission organizations, makes available graduate level theological education to eligible Christian leaders serving in Asia. Since 1983, this program has provided the opportunity to earn master’s degrees from Cornerstone University while remaining in Asia. ABTS aims to accomplish its   […]

Training Site

Togo / Lomé

École Supérieure Baptiste de Théologie

This African-led seminary, located in Lome, the capital of Togo, is the denominational school for Baptist churches throughout Francophone Western Africa. ESBTAO is a formal theological site which confers License Degrees (the equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor's Degree) and is beginning a Master's Degree program as well as a satellite school   […]

Training Site

Uganda / Gulu

Non-Formal Context

We work with a group of churches from Wisconsin who have committed to fill all teachers necessary for our trips. Our national partner is the staff of Tutapona Trauma Counseling. Many of the students we work with have gone through Tutapona's trauma rehab program and are leading churches in the   […]

Training Site

Uganda / South Sudan Cohort

Uganda- South Sudan Cohort

Training Leaders International is supporting the training of leaders for the church in Northern Uganda, Congo, and South Sudan in a partnership with five churches from Western Wisconsin that make up the St Croix Valley Lead Team (SCVLT). About ten years ago a missionary sent from one of the SCVLT made   […]

Global Partner

United Arab Emirates / Abu Dhabi / Dubai

Gulf Theological Seminary

Gulf Theological Seminary trains pastors and church planters for the 10/40 Window. We are affiliated with gospel-centered churches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Starting with our first classes in 2015, we have seen the Lord bringing a growing number of students from all around the world and now have graduates serving   […]

Global Partner

Vietnam / Hanoi

Hanoi Bible College

Hanoi Bible College serves the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (North), which includes the Red River Delta region and the northern highland provinces. The majority of students are Hmong, but the ethnic Vietnamese and other minority groups are also represented. Due to significant growth of the church in recent decades, the church   […]

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