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I Understand

Volume 7.1/


What Does "Untrained" Mean?

Darren M. Carlson

Majority-World Theological Education in the Globalized Age

Anthony F. Casey

Different Cultures, Different Atonement Model? Penal Substitutionary Atonement and Fear-Power Cultures

Matt Deaver

The "Nevius Method": Retrieving Theological and Missiological Criteria for Money in Missions

Joshua Bowman

Incarnational Pastoral Training in the Majority World: An Interview with Dr. Paul House, Author of "Bonhoeffer's Seminary Vision"

Paul House and Joost Nixon
Book Review

Entertaining Angels Unaware: Welcoming the Immigrant Other

Aaron Jameson
Book Review

Jewish Cultural Elements in the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church

T. J. Marinello
Book Review

The Mystery of the Church: Applying Paul's Ecclesiology in Africa

Vandyck Ishmael Lomotey
Book Review

Preaching With Cultural Intelligence: Understanding the People Who Hear Our Sermons

Ivan Kalabric
Book Review

Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places and Things in the Digital Age

Robert J. Landon
Book Review

Radical Gratitude: Recalibrating Your Heart in an Age of Entitlement

L. D. Zapater
Book Review

The Kingdom of God in Africa: A History of African Christianity

Robert Gyakye Coleman