Level 2 Global Partner Application [UNUSED]

Thank you for your continued interest in serving with TLI. This is second of a two-stage application to serve as a Global Partner. As with the previous application, you can save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission.

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* : required


Some of the following questions request very personal information. We ask them so that together we might discern your readiness to engage in the high stress environment of cross-cultural living and ministry. Thank you for your understanding and candor. Your answers are strictly confidential.

You and Your Family

What is your full legal name?*
What is your preferred name?*
If you are married, please list your spouse's full legal name.:*
Have you ever been divorced or legally separated?*
Please list your children by name and age.:
Are any of your children from a previous relationship?*
While living abroad, would there be any "non-negotiables" with respect to your children's education?*
How do you and your spouse resolve conflict in your marriage?*
Has your marriage been marked by any infidelity?*
If the answer to the previous question is "yes", how was this resolved?
Describe how have you been caring for your family's spiritual needs.:*
How might you adapt this in an overseas context?*
Describe how you have dealt with stressful situations in your home.:*
Are your parents and/or in-laws supportive of your desire to serve the Lord overseas? Please describe.:

Your Relationship with Christ

Please describe your relationship with Christ.:*
What are your spiritual practices that sustain and enhance your relationship with Christ?*
Please describe how you have grown in your spiritual gifts.:*

Relationships in the Church

How regular is your involvement at corporate worship at your church?*
Please describe how you and your family have been serving in your church over the last 10 years.:*
What part does hospitality play in your family's life, both in and out of your church community?*
So far, how has your church been involved in your pursuit of cross-cultural ministry?*
Who is the primary contact at your church for missionaries? Please describe their role.:*
Does your church have a missions committee? Has your church sent out other missionaries?*
Please describe how your church views its role in the partnership it has with your sending agency for your care, accountaibility, and encouragement—especially when on the field.:*
Please describe your relationship with your local church's pastor and elders.:*
Please describe a time when you have had conflict with another believer and how you resolved it.:*

Background Information & Personal History

Do you or your family members have any lingering medical issues that require a certain level of medical care in order for you to stay safe and healthy? If so, please describe them.:*
Have you or any of your family members needed care from a mental health professional? If so, please describe the circumstances and if this care is ongoing.:
Do you or any immediate family members struggle with any kind of substance abuse? If yes, please describe.:*
Do you or any immediate family members struggle with same sex attraction? If yes, please describe.:*
Do you struggle with pornography? If yes, describe.:*
Have you ever been accused or convicted of sexual harassment or a crime? If yes, please describe.:*
Is there anything else from your past that might be important for us to know? If yes, please describe.:*

Your Employment

Does the resume or CV that you share with us cover the last ten years of your employment? If not, please fill in the gaps here.:*
Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your current employment or ministry? If you are dissatisfied, why?*
What kind of work energizes you? What kind of work is draining for you?
Please describe a time when you have experienced significant conflict in a job or ministry setting, how you sought to resolve it, and what was the outcome.:

Assessing your Gifting

Please list what you believe are your strengths or God-given skills.:*
In what area(s) are you presently seeking to grow in Christlikeness?*
List your present hobbies and personal interests.:*
What are your personal habits for maintaining your physical health?*

Serving Cross-Culturally

Please explain how you believe that the Lord has called you to serve him overseas?*
How do your children feel about moving to a different culture?*
How much value do you place on your present national identity?*
What do you think is required to adapt to the culture of another country?*
What does it mean to be culturally relevant when ministering cross-culturally?*
Are you currently multi-lingual? How committed are you to becoming proficient in the language of your host country?*
How willing are you and your family to adapting your socio-economic status in order to be more effective in ministry in your host country?*
What things will you do to rest and seek refreshment if serving in another country?*

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