COVID-19 and TLI's Plan For The Year

TLI's mission is to strengthen the church by training her leaders. With Covid-19, adjustments to our plans have had to be made. We want to thank everyone for sustaining TLI's work through your prayers and financial support.

In March 2020 we suspended all short-term teaching trips in response to travel bans related to Covid-19. At the time, like many, we thought this might last a few months. Now we know these travel bans will continue, making international travel all but impossible for short-term trips. As such we have suspended all international travel related to short-term modular training until next summer.

TLI will still remain very active during this time. Some departments have been impacted significantly, while others have had less impact from Covid-19 on their work.

Global Partners

Many of our global partners have remained overseas and continue to serve; some are stuck in the United States; some are raising support and will soon be launched. Global Partners who are able to enter safely into their ministry location will be able to go.

Diaspora Leader Training

The diaspora team is continuing with plans to develop sites throughout the US. Their work is advancing to launch training sites for first- and second-generation pastors around the United States.

Non-Formal International Training

Our non-formal team has been greatly impacted by the limitations to international travel. Some are now working for other departments; some are finishing degrees; others are working with local churches for the year. Some are even moving overseas to teach. Everyone has a plan and will remain very active to fulfill the mission of TLI.

Formal International Training

At the request of partner schools, the formal team is transitioning to teaching online at schools around the world. While this is not their desire nor ours, it is what we will do while travel is restricted. In order to provide quality courses, the formal team is learning best practices for online theological education. The staff will also be designing courses with national partners for national leaders to teach.


The curriculum team is continuing with their work. Our curriculum for training pastors and leaders around the world will be completed. This season will also allow for the development of the workshop material for the diaspora training set to begin in 2021.

Church Planter Training

Over the next year the team will be creating the training material in order to launch training sites in 2021.

In the meantime, we are still welcoming applications for Global Partner and US Staff positions. Thank you for praying for us as we continue to work to strengthen the global church.

Grace to you-
Darren Carlson

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