Where We Work

Training Leaders International trains pastors around the world, partnering with local leaders who have invited us to provide the theological training pastors and leaders desperately need. We meet this need through modular training, international church plants, teaching in formal schools, and planting schools.

School Plant

Brazil / Atibaia

Pregue a Palavra (PAP)

TLI partners with the First Baptist Church of Atibaia (PIBA) in Atibaia, Brazil. From 2013-2023, TLI provided consulting, support, and instructors to help PIBA start their own church-based seminary. Through this program, many students have received both academic training and supervised ministry experience as a PIBA elder mentored them over the   […]

School Plant

Brazil / Natal

Escola Cristã de Pastores (ECP)

Have you ever wondered what it looks like for a region to see, on the one hand, significant church growth and, on the other hand, the equally striking advance of false teaching? It looks like Nordeste, the northeastern region of Brazil, where the prosperity gospel and extreme versions of liberal theology   […]

Global Partner

Cameroon / Yaoundé

Formal Context

Cameroon is the most complex nation in Africa with its 290+ language groups. In partnership with Église Baptiste Bethléem, Bethlehem College & Seminary, and Treasuring Christ Together, TLI is engaged in church-planting, the establishment of an accredited MDiv Program, the equipping of Cameroonian pastors to strategically use the TLI curriculum, and   […]

Global Partner

Pacific Rim / Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu Theological Seminary

Our mission in the Hawaiian Islands and other Pacific Islands is to serve and equip pastors and churches in the Hawaiian Islands for the sake of the Pacific Islands. Through Oahu Theological Seminary training, informal pastoral equipping and preaching workshops, and involvement with pastoral and denominational networks in Hawaii and   […]

School Plant

Serbia / Novi Sad

Baptist Theological School of Novi Sad

The Baptist Theological Seminary is located in the city of Novi Sad, in the northern part of the country of Serbia. We are a theological institution of the Serbian Baptist Union, dedicated to training pastors and Christian leaders for effective service. For over 70 years BTS has been training men and   […]

Training Site

South Asia I

School of Theology

Recognizing the need for healthy churches in South Asia, in 2017 TLI began partnering with a faithful congregation in a large city to establish a three-year, church-based Master of Divinity program. The seminary began with a cohort of twelve men and a goal of training pastors to plant churches, preach the   […]

Global Partner

United Arab Emirates / Abu Dhabi / Dubai

Gulf Theological Seminary

Gulf Theological Seminary trains pastors and church planters for the 10/40 Window. We are affiliated with gospel-centered churches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Starting with our first classes in 2015, we have seen the Lord bringing a growing number of students from all around the world and now have graduates serving   […]

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